Symbol for aries


Mar 21 - Apr 19The RamFireMars

Aries is the fearless trailblazer of the zodiac. They are passionate, ambitious, and always eager to take the lead. With boundless energy and a competitive spirit, Aries strives to conquer challenges and achieve their goals.




Small talk could fail to satisfy your need for connection. Pushing yourself to engage with the people around you in a lighthearted way might make you feel worse, since it risks making you increasingly aware of some heavy subject that you're doing your best to avoid discussing. Quality is probably more important than quantity in your ongoing interactions. After the sensitive Moon shifts into your nourishing 4th house, identify who you can let your hair down with. Focus your efforts there.

Your Week In Love

Say what you mean and mean what you say! Then again, you may not need this advice, Aries. Be that as it may, this particular week is a great time to express who you are in the purest, most authentic, and supportive way -- which will make you even more attractive than usual. A lover or love interest might clamor for your attention. They probably truly admire your direct personality. Since you're so good at "walking your talk" this week, you could impress others more easily than usual. The real question is this: do you want romantic attention, or are you too busy living life on your own terms?

Your Next 30 Days

You're in the money! A New Moon in your earned income sector on May 7 opens up an exciting opportunity for you to ask for a raise, launch that side hustle, or raise your rates if you're already in working for yourself. You could also successfully launch a product or service in an established business. The more this gets you out of your comfort zone, the more successful it can be. That's because on May 18, Venus and Uranus will make a gorgeous connection to each other in your resourceful 2nd house. With the Sun conjoining Jupiter here on the same day, you can be sure that whatever financial surprise comes your way, it will be a good one!

Once Venus enters your 3rd House of Siblings and Neighbors on May 23, a romantic connection might develop between you and someone who lives nearby. Alternatively, a sibling may set you up with someone. Be open, as you could feel an immediate intellectual spark with their candidate.

As Jupiter enters your excitable 3rd house on May 25, you're invited to expand your horizons by taking more short trips and traveling locally.

Key Themes: money, new income, financial changes, communication, learning, short trips, travel, siblings

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